*sigh* Appearantly ppl never learn do they? Bugging the Author w/ questions/suggesstions about there Flash or Flash series will just pro-long the time it takes for the next eps. to come out and just angers/irratates the hell out of said Author to where they may not feel like doing the series anymore; or they'll be to pissed to focus on the quality of said series. Have we not learnt ANYTHING from the incident w/ Alvin-EarthWorm and the " Super Mario Bros. Z " series? ( which if you haven't seen it b4 you REALLY SOULD! It'll literally blow you away! :D )
Well, I may not be a Flash Author but, I still sympathize w/ ya man. I think your doing a terrific job and will wait as long as it takes for the next eps. Keep on keeping on man.
my bad on hitting you up so much i just see how well put together your flashes are and just want to learn a lil from somebody more advanced than i thanks for the quick q and a tho